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Blades Media Bournemouth

RP Plumbing and Heating LTD

RP Plumbing and  Heating LTD


Based in Poole, RP Plumbing and Heating LTD is a well established group of gas safe, plumbing and heating engineers.

RP Logo.jpg

Started in 2006 by Ryan Palmer, his goal was to offer a professional and reliable service which covered all aspects of plumbing and heating. After starting his journey with another local company, Ryan has moved to Blades Media to help his business grow to the next level.

After an initial meeting with Ryan we ran an SEO report on RP Plumbing and Heating website and their top competitors. We discovered that their original website well laid out but poorly optimised as the previous designer wasn't able to provide SEO services and thus, prevented the website from ranking. 


Originally hand coded, we decide it would be best to bring full control back to RP plumbing and use a much better solution. As Wix Partners we decided the best route was to bring them over to the Wix platform as it is easy to use, update and is cheap to host on a secure, encrypted server. We started with re-skinning the website on Wix and fixing some of the technical errors. As an On going SEO Project we have implemented... 

New Contact Forms

A global contact form with drop down selector was installed into the footer of the site to capture visitors at the bottom of the page.

RP Before Footer.JPG
RP After Footer.JPG

Inline Contact Forms

On high visitor pages we installed a new inline CTA to grab visitors attention. 

RP inline quote form.JPG

Google My Business

We built out RP Plumbing and Heating LTD GMB with more photos, tailored services, improved company logos and better linking. 

Schema Markup

The original website was missing Schema ld-json script. This bit of code help Google find out information on your website quicker. For now we have installed a generic markup site wide which will be adapted as we build out pages. 

Are you in need of website help? We have helped many small businesses get back on track and we are ready to help you too! Call our team on 01202 287 088 or email

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